Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut workers compensation attorney

What Can You Expect If Your Spouse Has Died On The Job

Our firm is experienced with Connecticut workers’ compensation claims, and we have a number of board certified attorneys who can handle very complex and difficult claims for those who have been injured on the job.  This experience is invaluable in cases where a worker has been injured, but it becomes critical when a worker has died on the job and as the spouse, you wish to file a death claim.

Filing A Complaint With OSHA To Protect Yourself From A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are unfamiliar with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) you may want to get familiar with it.  This is the group that oversees the health and safety of workplaces throughout the country.  If you’re experiencing working conditions at your place of work that you believe are in violation of the standards set by OSHA or that you believe put you at a high risk of being injured and having to file a Connecticut worker’s compensation claim, you may wish to file a complaint with the governm

Do You Know Where Your Company’s Emergency Supply Kit Is?

Being injured on the job can be a scary thing.  It is often unexpected and can become very serious very quickly.  Once you’ve been able to take some deep breaths and regain some control you may realize that you have experienced the injury at work and therefore can file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  However, before you get to the point where you notify your supervisor and begin that process you may need to address your injury quickly.

The Most Costly Workplace Injuries So Far In 2022

There is a cost to getting injured at work.  There is a cost to you as you will likely need to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim and be out of work for an extended period of time.  There is a cost to your employer.  There is a cost to society.  These costs add up and often cause industries to look at best practices and reevaluate these practices as they move forward.  

Three Things You Can Do At Work To Prevent A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Injury

If you’re injured at work you are allowed by law to be compensated for that injury and any time at your job that you miss due to the injury.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon your employer to take steps to keep you safe and free from injury.  It is also in your employer’s best interest to put you in situations where you can remain on the job and not injured.  

Speed Quotas Lead To Workplace Safety Hazards

The giant corporate warehouses have become ubiquitous in America.  Everywhere you turn there is a new super-sized warehouse popping up.  These warehouses throughout the country are necessary to meet customer expectations of receiving the items they order quickly.  However, this reported obsession with speed has come at a cost for warehouse workers and delivery drivers who are often under the gun to perform at a high level for the company.

These Common Activities Can Lead To Muscle Strains And A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

When it comes to workplace injuries there are few that are as complicated to resolve as muscle strains.  Once a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim is filed due to a muscle strain, it can take weeks if not months or years for the injury to heal and for the claim to be fully settled.  That’s why it is so important to avoid anything that can lead to straining your muscles while on the job.

How To Avoid A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim When You’re Headed Back To The Office

More and more offices are reopening after years long allowances for their employees to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic.  If you had been one of those people who was lucky enough to be able to work remotely and you are being recalled back into the office now, it may take some getting used to getting back to the swing of being in a full time office all of the time.

Three Injuries That A School Bus Driver Can File For Connecticut Workers’ Compensation From

Many schools are either back in session or are getting ready to go back and that means that bus drivers are now behind the wheel with more frequency than over the summer months.  It may not occur to the average person that a bus driver would be able to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, but of course, they are on the job when they are behind the wheel of the bus, and if they are injured, there are certainly circumstances where they can file a claim.  
