Personal Injury

Dog Bite & Other Animal Injuries

Connecticut Dog Bite & Animal Attack Lawyers

A dog bite or other animal-related injury can be traumatic and debilitating. But taking legal action is complicated and liability is often difficult to prove. Our Connecticut dog bite attorneys take these cases seriously and will fight to protect Connecticut dog bite victims to the fullest extent of the law.

Unfortunately, insurance companies rarely compensate victims of dog bites and other animal injuries. Thousands of people are injured by dogs and animals every year, but less than 1% are ever compensated by insurance companies- one of the lowest rates of all injury types. That’s why you need an experienced dog bite attorney.

Fighting for Your Rights

Connecticut’s Dog Bite Statute says that a dog’s owner or keeper at the time of the injury is liable for damages if the injured person proves:
  • The injury was caused by the dog and
  • The victim was not trespassing, teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog
In addition, if the victim was under seven years old at the time of the injury, the law automatically presumes that the child was not committing a trespass or other tort, or teasing, tormenting, or abusing the dog.

The Connecticut Dog Bite Statute takes such injuries seriously, as do our dog bite attorneys. If you have been injured by dogs or other animals, you can recover economic damages, as well as damages for the pain, suffering and emotional distress.

Talk to Us First

If you’ve been attacked and injured by a dangerous dog, it’s in your best interest to contact a dog bite attorney as soon as possible. When you get an attorney quickly, more evidence may be gathered to prove your case and the dangerous dog can be stopped before it has the chance to hurt anyone else.

As with any accident, do not talk to insurance company doctors or claims adjustors without talking to a dog bite attorney first. We can find unbiased medical experts who can fairly and accurately assess what happened and what your needs are. A dog bite can have lasting and debilitating, physical and emotional consequences, many of which take time to develop or worsen. It is always in your interest to get medical and legal help with dog bite injuries.

We Worked for Them, Now We Work For You

At CT Injury Lawyers, all of our personal injury attorneys once worked for insurance companies. Thanks to this experience, our personal injury attorneys know how the system works and how to fight for your rights. We have all chosen now to work for you.

Our personal injury attorneys have decades of experience representing dog-bite cases and will use it to get the compensation you deserve. If you have been bitten by a dog or other animal, remember that time matters. Get medical help, but do not talk to insurance agents or their attorneys until you have consulted with an experienced dog bite attorney.

You can be confident that our dog bite attorneys know what to say and how to get the maximum results under the law. We have represented thousands of Connecticut citizens, and over a hundred other attorneys have referred clients to us for representation.

Call one of our offices today for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION

Please feel free to contact us at our Vernon, CT office by calling (860) 875-7000, our Enfield, CT office at (860) 749-4000, or our Middletown, CT office at (860) 347-6500.