Divorce FAQ
Have a question?
What is an "annulment"?
When might an annulment be granted?
What is a"legal separation"?
What is a"divorce"?
What is a"no-fault" divorce?
Can you fight grounds that are alleged for divorce?
Can my spouse and I use the same attorney for our divorce?
An attorney in a mediated divorce does not represent either party against the other. If you want to consider this approach you should confer with a proposed mediator.
Using separate lawyers does not have to lead to a messy and adversarial situation where none previously existed. However, it does lead to peace of mind knowing that each individual’s interests were properly represented.
How long will it take me to get a divorce?
What is a deposition and what's going to happen?
Both parties have the right to engage in “discovery” to gather facts from the other party, and sometimes from third party witnesses. A deposition is a type of discovery in which the lawyer for a party takes your testimony.
At the deposition you will be put under oath, and your spouse’s lawyer can ask you a wide range of questions relating to the case. The lawyer’s questions, and your answers, will be taken down by a court reporter.
You have the right to have your lawyer present at the deposition, and you definitely should. Your lawyer will help you protect your interests. First and foremost, your lawyer should spend time reviewing the facts with you and preparing you to give a deposition. Your lawyer will tell you to listen carefully to each question and then answer only the question that is asked, and not to volunteer anything or raise other issues. Your lawyer will tell you that if you do not understand the question, ask for a clarification. Your lawyer may object to questions that for one reason or another are improper.
Your deposition, when properly handled, can go a long way in assisting your lawyer in the litigation either by way of settlement or at the trial. What you do at the deposition can help you or hurt you, depending upon your attitude, truthfulness and appearance.
What will happen to our health insurance for my dependent children after our divorce?
Why must some retirement plans be divided in a special manner?
What is the effect of a divorce on a will?