James L. Katz
I am a partner at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau, LLC. The firm has offices in Vernon, Enfield, Hartford and Middletown. My area of concentration is family law.
In my many years of practice, I have been involved in thousands of cases. I have been trial counsel in various Connecticut state courts. I have represented diverse parties, including children in family law cases.
Presently, I am a Special Master in the Connecticut family law court mediation system. Also, I am a private mediator for those who wish to minimize the stress and expense and de-emphasize the involvement of the Court in their private lives. I am trained and experienced in collaborative divorce which is another alternative to extensive court involvement.
Previously, I was the President of the Tolland County Lawyers’ Association and a family law instructor at Manchester Community College. Also, I have several years experience as a family social worker. Through the years, I have been involved with diverse legal and community organizations, including providing pro bono legal services.
I obtained my Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts. I then received my Juris Doctorate from the University of Connecticut.
Family law parties need someone to help them navigate through a somewhat unique and emotional time in their life. My referral and “word of mouth” clients are a testament to my understanding of and success with these difficult endeavors.
I am a member of: the Connecticut Federal Bar; the Tolland County Bar; the Family Law Division of the Connecticut Bar Association; and Collaborative Divorce Professionals.