Family Law Financial Obligations FAQ
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Various types of financial obligations are owed as a result of divorce. Here are some of the more frequent terms and definitions.
Alimony: Payments made from one spouse to the other during a separation or a divorce (dissolution of marriage). Also known as spousal support.
Child Support: As a general rule, both spouses have a duty to provide support for their minor children.
Family Support: A combination of alimony and child support. Similar in nature to separate maintenance payments.
Rehabilitative Support: Payments made from one spouse to the other over a period of time to enable the supported spouse to obtain a career and become self-supporting. Also known as alimony and spousal support.
Separate Maintenance Payments: Payments made from one spouse to the other when they are no longer living together as husband and wife for the support of the spouse and the children in his/her custody. Similar in nature to family support.
Spousal Support: Payments made from one spouse to the other during a separation or a divorce (dissolution of marriage). Also known as alimony.
How are support payments treated under federal income tax rules?
What factors can be used to determine the amount of alimony?
Some of the factors (which vary from state to state) used to determine the amount of alimony to be paid by one spouse to the other include:
- The ability to maintain the standard of living established during the marriage, considering the earning capacities of each of the parties.
- The marketable skills of the supported spouse, the job market for those skills, the education or training needed to develop marketable skills.
- The ability of the payer to make support payments taking into account his/her earning capacity.
- The duration of the marriage.
- The ability of the supported spouse to be employed without unduly interfering with child care responsibilities.
- The age and health of the respective spouses.
Legal separation is not often an alternative. It is sometimes an alternative to divorce for religious reasons. Physically living apart is not a legal separation. Certain financial or insurance advantages no longer exist.
How long will alimony be ordered?
Can medical insurance cost be included in alimony?