Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

November 2022

What Is A Backover Incident And How Can You Prevent This From Happening?

Children are small in stature, that is no secret.  However, they move quickly which could put them  in the way of a vehicle that is backing up out of a parking spot or a driveway. This is called a backover incident.  It is one of the worst kinds of Connecticut auto accidents not just because it can cause serious injury, but also because it is highly preventable.  

Are You Passionate Enough About Distracted Driving That You Would Ride Your Bike 10,000 Miles?

A bike ride on a hot summer day is refreshing, with the wind whipping in your hair and the splash of water from your water bottle running down your face, you’ll feel invigorated.  But what if that bike ride was for 10,000 miles?  What if that bike ride was to raise awareness to prevent teens from texting while driving?  Would you hop on your bike and say, challenge ACCEPTED?

Reckless Driver Takes Flight In New Haven And Causes Major Connecticut Auto Accident

It’s not every day that you see a vehicle flying through the air and landing on top of another vehicle, but that’s just what happened when people in New Haven saw a gold Ford Taurus launch into the air and cause a pile up with six other vehicles before landing on top of an SUV.  The incident was one of the more stunning Connecticut auto accidents in recent memory and luck

What Can You Expect If Your Spouse Has Died On The Job

Our firm is experienced with Connecticut workers’ compensation claims, and we have a number of board certified attorneys who can handle very complex and difficult claims for those who have been injured on the job.  This experience is invaluable in cases where a worker has been injured, but it becomes critical when a worker has died on the job and as the spouse, you wish to file a death claim.

Filing A Complaint With OSHA To Protect Yourself From A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you are unfamiliar with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) you may want to get familiar with it.  This is the group that oversees the health and safety of workplaces throughout the country.  If you’re experiencing working conditions at your place of work that you believe are in violation of the standards set by OSHA or that you believe put you at a high risk of being injured and having to file a Connecticut worker’s compensation claim, you may wish to file a complaint with the governm

Do You Know Where Your Company’s Emergency Supply Kit Is?

Being injured on the job can be a scary thing.  It is often unexpected and can become very serious very quickly.  Once you’ve been able to take some deep breaths and regain some control you may realize that you have experienced the injury at work and therefore can file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  However, before you get to the point where you notify your supervisor and begin that process you may need to address your injury quickly.