Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Workers’ Compensation: 5 Things To Know About Asbestos Exposure

If you have spent a lifetime of your working years with the possibility of having been exposed to asbestos, you could become gravely ill and even experience a fatality. Exposure to this material is an all-too often cause of serious illness for those that work around it regularly.

Knowing some of the most important things about asbestos exposure and how it can affect you may have the result of saving your life. If you are aware, you can be seen, and you can be treated. The following is a non-exhaustive list of facts about asbestos exposure:

  1. Exposure over the course of decades often leads to lung cancer or pleural mesothelioma
  2. Illness generally develops after between 15-35 years of exposure
  3. Preventing illness is a matter of awareness of your surroundings and your potential exposure. If you know you have been exposed, early detection is possible
  4. Industries that are susceptible to exposure include, but are not limited to, mining,  plumbing, construction, and ship building
  5. The best preventative measure you can take is to get screened if you are in a high risk category

Working in a high risk industry and being exposed to asbestos may lead you to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim. These types of claims can be very difficult to navigate and may require you to consult a board certified attorney. Contact our office if you’d like an experienced attorney to review your situation.