Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

The Don’ts Of Winter Driving To Help You Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident

We’ve talked a lot about what you should do to keep yourself safe on the Connecticut roadways in the winter months, but what about the things you absolutely should not do.  These don’ts will keep you just as safe as the dos will and they are incredibly important to help you avoid a Connecticut auto accident when there is snow and ice on the roads.

These recommendations come to us from AAA:

Don’t follow too closely behind the car in front of you.  Stopping short is the easiest way to get into an accident in the winter months.

Don’t use cruise control.  It may be tempting when the roads seem clear, but this can cause unnecessary emergency braking and in turn could cause an accident.

Don’t change lanes.  Unless you have to to get to your exit, changing lanes is one of the fastest ways to get into an accident when driving in inclement weather.

Don’t brake on ice.  Whether it’s a small patch of ice or a large section of the road covered in ice, braking on ice is very dangerous.  In fact, when on ice try to avoid using the gas or the brake pedal at all and let your momentum carry you to the next spot of pavement where you can gain traction.

Don’t engage in any other behaviors besides driving.  Distracted driving is a serious problem when the roads are dry, but it gets even worse if you’re texting or talking while driving in winter weather conditions.

Doing your best to avoid a Connecticut auto accident in the winter months include NOT doing some things too.  If you can follow these few don’ts of winter weather driving you will have a much better chance of staying safe this winter and beyond.