Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Most Common Causes of Work-Related Injuries in 2016

CT Workers Compensation Lawyer

A wide range of injuries can occur in the workplace in many different ways, whether it is a sudden traumatic injury in an accident or an injury that develops over time. Liberty Mutual has collected data and released its Workplace Safety Index, which cites the following as the ten most common causes of workplace injuries last year in the United States:


1. Overexertion - Lifting, pulling, or pushing objects that are too heavy can cause workers to injure themselves from overexertion.


2. Slip and falls - Slipping and falling on a level floor can cause surprisingly serious injuries and can happen in any type of workplace.


3. Falls from heights - Falling down to a lower level from a ladder, roof, scaffolding, or another height can seriously injure workers.


4. Being struck by something - Workers can get hit by objects that are falling, swinging, or rolling if they cannot move out of the way fast enough.


5. Bodily motions - All it takes is one wrong reach or twist of your back or knee to suddenly sprain or strain part of your body.


6. Motor vehicle crashes - If a job requires someone to drive any type of vehicle, they can be at risk for a traffic accident.


7. Trips - Even if you do not fall down, tripping over something can cause soft tissue injuries or even fractures.


8. Getting caught in a machine - If a worker gets caught in a piece of heavy equipment, a limb can get squeezed or crushed.


9. Getting pushed - In some situations, forces can throw a worker into a wall or piece of equipment or materials, causing traumatic injuries.


10. Repetitive motions - These can occur if workers engage in the same motion over and over as part of their job, such as typing or lifting.


Call Our Hartford Workers’ Compensation Lawyers for Help Today

No matter what caused your workplace injury, our Connecticut workers’ compensation attorneys at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau can help make sure you receive the benefits to which you are entitled. If you need assistance with a claim or appealing a denial, please call our office at 860-875-7000 for a free consultation.