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Parental Influence Is Still The #1 Way To Prevent Connecticut Auto Accidents With Teens

While your teenager might seem like she/he is ignoring you, they probably are not. In fact, parental influence in safe driving behaviors remains one of the best ways that parents can help their teens avoid a Connecticut auto accident

That’s the good news, now here’s the bad news.

The behavior of parents is often a bad influence on teen drivers and not a good one. According to a study done by Liberty Mutual and SADD parents are not setting the best example for their teen drivers. In fact, parents are engaging in risky behaviors in front of their children which gives teens the wrong idea about what is acceptable behavior behind the wheel.

The study revealed some interesting statistics including:

  1. 41% teens report that their parents, even after being warned, continue to engage in risky behaviors behind the wheel.
  2. 28% of teens say that their parents justify their own behaviors.

Parents engaging in risky behaviors such as texting while driving, eating or drinking behind the wheel, and general distracted driving are not influencing teen drivers in a good way. While teen driver fatalities are falling in this country, fatalities from auto accidents overall are actually increasing.  

Studies show that you remain the #1 influence on your child’s behavior behind the wheel. If you are demonstrating poor behavior, your child will too. That is why it is so important to set a good example while you’re driving.

If you or a loved one were injured in a Connecticut auto accident and need to speak with someone about reviewing your case, one of our attorneys is available to speak with you now.