Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

A Student’s Dog Bite Injury Is A Reminder For All About Unleashed Dogs

Students who were at recess at one New Haven school got a scare earlier in the year when a pitbull attacked a number of them while they were playing.  The pitbull, which was off its leash, seriously injured one child who had to be hospitalized and two others who were scratched in the incident.  School officials acted quickly and got all of the children out of harm's way, but not before the unleashed dog did some damage.

In the state of Connecticut dog bite injuries are considered to be strict liability cases, which means that the owner is liable for the actions of her/his dog whether there was intent to harm or not.  In this case, the dog owner has not yet been identified, but when she/he is there will likely be some liability assessed.  

This harrowing case is a reminder for all dog owners that keeping their pets leashed and out of the way of children, especially, is the only real way to make sure that your animal does not attack and get into trouble.  Keeping a pet leashed is good for the dog, it’s good for the owner and it’s good for the community.

If you are ever in a situation where you are approaching a dog that is unleashed without its owner you should follow some simple safety procedures to keep yourself out of harm's way.

  1. Do not approach the dog.  A stranger approaching a dog can have devastating impacts and lead to injury.

  2. Do not attempt to scare or startle the dog in any way.  If the animal is scared it will go into fight mode and may attack.

  3. Keep your distance.  It is not your responsibility to wrangle a dog that is not leashed or return her/him to the rightful owner.  Keeping a safe distance is the best thing you can do to keep yourself out of harm’s way.    

Interacting with strange dogs that are unleashed can lead to a Connecticut dog bite injury, but it doesn’t have to.  If you see a dog that is unleashed in your neighborhood let it be and keep yourself safe.

If you do find yourself in a situation where you or a loved one were injured by an unleased dog, contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys can review your case and make sure that your long-term interests are protected.