It’s not entirely a surprise that drivers under the age of 20 are often more likely to get into a Connecticut auto accident than their adult counterparts. After all, teenagers are new drivers and do not have the experience that is needed to approach every situation that they may face on the road.
That being said, distracted driving is a problem for all drivers, adults and teenagers alike. However, not unlike driving generally, distracted driving does have a tendency to cause an even bigger problem for teens.
The United States Centers for Disease Control tracks statistics related to distracted driving and found some disturbing data inside the numbers:
42% of high school students reported texting while driving in the last 30 days
Those students who reported texting while driving were also far less likely to wear a seatbelt while driving
9% of all fatalities involving teen drivers in 2017 were a result of distracted driving
There continues to be a long way to go before all teens are educated on the dangers of distracted driving. This is true for adults too. We should all be aware of the dangers that are presented by distracted driving and how it might affect our chances of getting into a Connecticut auto accident.
If you or a loved one was injured in an accident as a result of a distracted driver, contact our office immediately and we will review your case.