Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Three Reasons Dog Bite Injuries Are More Common In The Summer Months

The summer months are a perfect time to get out and get some fresh air, they also are a time when many additional dangers are lurking, including the possibility of getting bitten by a dog.  

You may be inclined to interact with a cute dog this summer when you’re out and about, but this could cause you to get bitten and suffer a serious injury.  Keeping your distance from an unfamiliar dog is the best way to stay safe when interacting with K9.

The risk of a dog bite increases in the summer months for a number of reasons:

  1. Dogs are out more often and are not always accompanied by their owners.  With the advent of electric fences, dogs are more often left outside without their owners.  While electric fences work most of the time they aren’t perfect and sometimes a dog left out on it’s own could be a danger.

  2. Dogs can become agitated by the heat in the summertime.  The hot weather can leave some dogs more prone to aggressive behaviors which has the potential to be dangerous for passersby.  

  3. Children are outside more often.  With kids playing outside and the potential of having dogs around more often, could lead to unintentional aggressive actions from the dogs towards the children.

If you or a loved one has experienced a Connecticut dog bite, you may need an attorney to review your case.  Contact our office to speak with one of our attorneys who can help protect your interests.