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Tips for Driving in Unfamiliar Places

We all become extremely comfortable driving in our own hometowns, and especially along our regular routes to work or to take our kids to school. However, there will always come a time when you must venture out and drive in unfamiliar places. Whether you are on the other side of town or in a completely new city, driving in new places can be stressful, to say the least. If you panic and forget safe driving techniques, it can be downright dangerous. The following are some tips if you find yourself driving in an unfamiliar location.

  • Plan ahead - Even if you have GPS to tell you where to go, we all know that GPS instructions can be confusing or even plain wrong. You don’t want other drivers honking at you as you slowly search for the right street sign. Instead, look closely at a map ahead of time or get clear directions from someone you know before you even get in the car.
  • Don’t panic - If you do happen to lose your way or start getting stressed in heavy traffic, take some deep breaths and remember that you’ve been driving for a long time. You have the skills to drive in a new place, and stressing out can only distract you and make the situation worse.
  • Take your time - Leave plenty of time to get where you need to go, as rushing will only make the situation more stressful. If you need to make a right turn in a mile, get into the right lane early on to ensure you’re ready to make the turn. Trying to make quick lane changes, U-turns, or other maneuvers is difficult enough on familiar roads. Take your time in a new place to increase your safety.
  • Don’t conform to bad driving - If you aren’t used to driving in a major city, you may be shocked at the aggression levels of other drivers. Drivers are constantly honking, cutting each other off, weaving through traffic, and more. Surprisingly, rural drivers can also be aggressive. They regularly speed on narrow and winding rural highways, knowing there are few cops to worry about. In either situation, slow down and drive in a manner that makes you comfortable. You don’t have to engage in aggressive driving or speed to make other drivers happy. They can pass you or honk at you while you stay on your path.


If you’re truly anxious about driving in an unfamiliar place, leave your car parked and request an Uber or Lyft. You can relax and take in the sights of a new city while the driver gets you to your destination. You should certainly use rideshare services or other forms of public transportation if you plan to have even one drink.


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Whether you’re close to home or in a new city, accidents happen. The car accident attorneys at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau are ready to assist you. Call (860) 875-7000 or contact us online to set up a free case evaluation.