Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Newly Installed Outdoor Seating At Restaurants Can Be A Slip and Fall Hazard

As the state of Connecticut reopens and businesses start to welcome customers back to their establishments there are new areas of concern for patrons.  One of these areas can be newly installed outdoor seating.


During the peak of the Coronavirus outbreak, Connecticut restaurants got creative with new and innovative ways to open up outdoor dining for their customers.  Some restaurants put tables in parking lots or erected large tents to put tables under to allow their customers the opportunity to eat out while maintaining good social distancing measures.  These efforts are a way for restaurants to follow the guidelines set forth by the state’s Department of Health while also remaining open during a very difficult time.

That being said, these new measures may have been installed too quickly to keep business going which may lead to additional hazards that there otherwise might not be if you were headed out to dine at a restaurant.  Depending on the circumstances these types of hazards may include; 

  • A slip and fall injury as you now walk across a parking lot to sit at your table

  • Tripping on newly installed ropes for a tent that has been erected

  • A fall after getting caught up in any wiring that may have been required to provide power to the new outdoor seating

  • An injury that may occur if any of the new equipment malfunctions

This type of dining presents it’s own challenges for restaurant owners and may lead to injury.  Extreme caution is necessary whenever you may be dining at a restaurant that has recently installed outdoor dining.

If you or a loved one were injured while dining out, contact our office and we will review your case.  Our attorneys are experienced at handling cases in the area of Connecticut personal injury law.