Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Workers' Compensation Attorney

The Basics Of An Eye Injury That Is Claimed As Connecticut Workers’ Compensation

Everyday throughout our state there are people who work incredibly hard at their jobs for long hours.  Many of these people will eventually run into a situation where they are facing an injury that occured at work and they may need to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.   This is true for all industries and injury types.

These Three Work-Related Injuries Accounted For 75% Of All Work Injuries In 2020

As workplaces continue to struggle with COVID-19 restrictions and identify new and challenging workplace hazards there is new data coming out about the early part of the pandemic in 2020.  The new data suggests that the workplace injury that caused just the 6th most injuries took over the top spot in 2020.  This type of injury was exposure to harmful substances or environments.

Changing Weather Conditions May Result In More Connecticut Auto Accidents

As the old saying goes, in New England, if you don’t like the weather, just wait five minutes.  It’s true the weather is ever changing in this region and from one minute to the next you may not know what you’re going to get.  This is especially true this time of year where temperatures have a tendency to fluctuate between mild and freezing and precipitation can go from rain to ice to snow and back to rain again in a matter of minutes not hours or days.

Look For These Signs Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome That Could Lead To A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

When people think about a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim they often think about a dangerous fall from the top of a ladder or a laceration that resulted from working with sharp objects, but they don’t often think of repetitive stress injuries.  Repetitive stress injuries, like carpal tunnel syndrome, don’t make splashy headlines and multi-million dollar settlements like some of the other injuries that are so often associated with workers’ compensation, but these injuries can be detrimental to your day to d

Pest Control Industry On The Rise As A Source Of Workers’ Compensation Injuries

It is widely known that one of the industries that produce the most workplace injuries is the construction industry.  Falls from ladders and slips on wet floors are just a couple of the many injuries that occur on job sites.  There is however, a growing amount of injuries happening in other industries that are leading to Connecticut workers’ compensation claims.  While none of these industries have reached the danger faced by construction workers, workers in these industries are also having to fend off w
