Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Workers' Compensation Attorney

What Are 308a Benefits When Involved In A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

When you file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim you may be granted permanent partial disability benefits.  When these benefits run out you may find yourself in a different situation where either you are still unable to return to work or the type of work you can continue to do pays less then you were making in your job at which you were injured.

During A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim What Is A Employer’s/Respondent's Examination

During a time when you are receiving Connecticut workers’ compensation benefits you may need to submit to what is known as an employer’s/respondent’s examination to remain in compliance with your claim.

An employer or the employer’s insurance company may request that an employee be given this type of examination or it may be required by a Workers’ Compensation Commissioner to determine the extent or severity of an injury. The cost of the examination will be covered by the employer/respondent.

Wrongful Death Claimants May Be Entitled To The Four Following Death Benefits

There is no amount of money or compensation that can bring your loved one back who has been killed on the job.  Nothing will heal the emptiness that you feel inside and we know that, but the people/company who may be responsible in some way for his/her death need to be held to account.

It is for this reason that we are very selective in the wrongful death cases we take on and why we spend a lot of time speaking with the deceased’s loved ones who need a compassionate ear and a team of fighters on their behalf.

Governor Lamont Identifies Early Coronavirus Cases For Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claims

While the state of Connecticut is among the shining examples of how to handle the Coronavirus pandemic today, at the early stages of the disease the state was a hotspot.  Now, Governor Lamont has issued an executive order that allows essential workers  who contracted COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic to file a workers’ compensation claim and benefit from a “rebuttable presumption.”

The Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Act FAQ

The State of Connecticut governs workers’ compensation claims through the state’s Workers’ Compensation Act.  While it can be challenging to understand the legalease found in the document, we wanted to break it out into a more manageable way to understand.  This is a short FAQ that details some of the most important pieces that the act covers.

Q: What compensation am I entitled to?

A: The act allows for compensation for medical care, loss of wages, and survivor benefits.

Q: If I die on the job, will my spouse get benefits?

Some Statistics About Fatigue At The Workplace That Employers Should Know

For those employers that have night shift workers under their purview it can be very important to understand the impact that fatigue plays on a worker’s mental ability to perform the duties of their job at a high level.

In fact, fatigue can play a role in a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury and if ignored could lead to serious injury or death.  Here are some statistics that employers should know about their employees and how fatigue can impact them in the workplace.
