Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

CT Workers' Compensation Attorney

Being Fatigued At Work May Cause Unsafe Work Conditions

According to the National Safety Council (NSC) the cost of workers going to work each year is approaching $150 billion annually.  The cost in dollars is important for employers, but for workers the true cost is that working under the stress of being fatigued can cause you to make mistakes and not be safe while at work.  A fatigued worker is one that is more likely to get injured and file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  

The NSC Recommends Three Things For Employers To Protect The Mental Health Of Their Workers

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, workers are returning to their jobs with increased mental distress.  In fact, 40% of all Americans said they will be returning to their jobs with an increased level of mental stress.  Employers will begin to discover that increased mental health issues may lead to more safety issues which in turn may lead to Connecticut workers’ compensation claims.

COVID-19 Related Mental Health Issues May Affect Workplace Safety

As the United States continues to battle out of the COVID-19 global pandemic and workers are returning to warehouses and offices, mental health is becoming an issue for workplace safety.  In fact, 40% of all workers who are returning to the workforce say that they are facing some level of mental distress.  This level of mental distress may have a direct impact on the number of Connecticut workers’ compensation claims that are filed moving forward in the years to come. 

PAPR Providing Medical Providers More Safety From COVID-19

The COVID-19 global pandemic has exposed some of the challenges that face our healthcare providers in battling airborne illness.  Some of these challenges have included poor air filtration in hospitals, PPE that is only designed specifically for males, leaving female medical professionals with loose fitting PPE that is not protecting them against the virus, and the need for close contact between provider and patient.

Warmer Weather And Facial Coverings Do Not Mix

While the state of Connecticut has opened back up and is on it’s way to returning to “normal” there are still some employers who may require the use of facial coverings for their employees.  These types of jobs that require face masks to be worn may run into some major issues as the warmer weather approaches.  Issues like trouble breathing, heat exhaustion, and mental health issues may arise and could potentially lead to issues that rise to the level of a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  

Repetitive Working Conditions Can Cause Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claims

If you’ve ever worked in a job that required you to do the same thing over and over every single day, you know that this can wreak havoc on your body.  Whether it’s lifting heavy things day in and day out or sitting at a computer typing all day, repetitive jobs can put stress on your body in ways you may not expect.  This stress has often led to Connecticut workers’ compensation claims.  

Jeff Bezos Signals Focus On This Workplace Injury At Amazon

Each year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos writes a letter to shareholders identifying the areas that the company will be focused on in the coming 12 months.  This year, Bezos’ last as CEO, his letter included a focus on employee satisfaction and safety.  One of the things that Bezos believes needs to be addressed is employees who suffer from musculoskeletal disorders.  
