Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

CT auto accident attorney

Don’t Let A Car Break Down Turn Into A Connecticut Auto Accident

It has happened to most people once or twice in their lives.  Your car is driving along nicely when all of a sudden a red warning light comes on and you are left not knowing what to do.  The important thing you should know is that you can compound your issues by not following the right course of action and ending up in a Connecticut auto accident if you’re not careful.  

These Two Spring Weather Conditions Can Lead To A Connecticut Auto Accident

One thing that is out of your control when you’re driving is the weather.  Weather conditions can change in the blink of an eye, especially in the spring, and when they do you can get in a situation that could lead to a Connecticut auto accident quite quickly.   You know the old saying, in New England, if you don’t like the weather just wait five minutes.  In the spring, that can be reduced to 1-2 minutes.

These Two Spring Weather Conditions Can Lead To A Connecticut Auto Accident

One thing that is out of your control when you’re driving is the weather.  Weather conditions can change in the blink of an eye, especially in the spring, and when they do you can get in a situation that could lead to a Connecticut auto accident quite quickly.   You know the old saying, in New England, if you don’t like the weather just wait five minutes.  In the spring, that can be reduced to 1-2 minutes.

It's Time To Talk About Brain Injury Awareness: Here’s What To Know

One of the most serious injuries your body can experience is a brain injury.  As the brain is the central command center for your entire body it can be life altering if you experience an injury to your brain.  It doesn’t matter how you injure your brain, whether you’ve been in a Connecticut auto accident or are injured at work resulting in a brain injury, these injuries are serious and should be treated as such.

Be Seen At Night And Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident

Even though the calendar has moved past the shortest days of the year and the nights are getting longer, it is still quite dark at night.  Being a pedestrian anytime during the day can be dangerous and lead to injury, but if you are out walking, running or biking at night you might find yourself in a position of peril.  If you are out and about after dark you are most certainly putting yourself at risk of getting into a Connecticut auto accident that could injure you.  <

How Does The U.S. Stack Up Internationally On Traffic Safety Issues?

While we are often talking about how you can avoid a Connecticut auto accident it is sometimes equally important to understand where the United States as a country stands as it relates to other countries in the developed world on traffic safety issues.  While these statistics are not always informative of what is happening in our own neck of the woods, they can identify problems that need to be addressed throughout the country to make our Interstate road system safer for all.

Three Things You Can Do To Prevent Your Teen From Being Distracted While Driving

The research is conclusive and it is not good for any teens who think that it is ok to drive while texting or talking on the phone.  In fact, a Connecticut auto accident is six times more likely if you’re dialing a phone number and twenty-three times more likely if you are texting while you’re driving.  Of course this statistic goes for both teens and adults and so it is critical that we all avoid these distractions while driving. 
