Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

CT auto accident attorney

It’s Time For Your Bi-Annual Tire Pressure Check To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident

It may not be something that you often think about, but the tire pressure in your car is one of the most important things you can stay on top of to help you avoid a Connecticut auto accident.  In fact, tire pressure can be THE reason you get into an accident in the first place and if you’re not concerned with it you should be.

When Should You Switch From Snow Tires Back To Everyday Tires To Prevent A Connecticut Auto Accident

If you took the advice of many experts and switched your tires over from summer to winter tires this past fall, great job, this is a good step toward avoiding a Connecticut auto accident.  Now that the weather is starting to warm and spring is just around the corner you will want to consider going back from your winter tires to your all season or summer tires.
