Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Why Sub-Zero Temperatures Can Make Connecticut Auto Accidents More Likely

We have seen a very cold winter so far and temperatures are showing no sign of warming any time soon.  We have written quite often about the dangers that certain weather conditions can present in causing Connecticut auto accidents, but we haven’t talked specifically about cold weather as it relates to making roads more dangerous.

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about dangerous weather when driving may not be cold weather because you are probably thinking about conditions that make driving slick like snow or rain, but cold weather can also have an impact on how safe the conditions are on Connecticut’s roads.

Cold weather can be the culprit in accidents for a number of different reasons including;

  1. When driving with a cold car, the responsiveness of braking systems and steering systems can be minimized.  The cold weather makes both brakes and steering very stiff which can cause serious trouble when driving.  While your car will eventually warm up after some time, the cold temperatures on the road will keep your mechanicals stiff, especially during a deep freeze.

  2. Cold weather can be distracting to you as a driver.  Even if you are bundled up behind the wheel you may still be cold and have a difficult time paying close attention to the road in front of you.  If you are able to warm your car up before heading out on the road, this is a good idea to avoid this type of discomfort and distraction.

  3. As it relates to how you are dressed when driving it is safer to drive your car without bulky clothing on so if you’re cold, you may want to wait for your car to warm up so you can take your heavy winter coat off while driving.  Not only can your bulky clothing become a physical barrier to you driving safely it can also become a distraction for your ability to drive smoothly.

Cold weather also has an impact on road conditions.  Even dry roads in cold temperatures can have black ice and they can also become easier to slip on the dry surface that is cold to the touch.  It is important to take every precaution you can in sub-zero temperatures so you can avoid getting into a Connecticut auto accident.  The steps above along with driving cautiously will help you keep yourself and your passengers safe.

If you do get injured while driving, you may need to speak with an experienced attorney to review your case.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys can work with you to protect your long-term interests.