Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

It's Time To Talk About Brain Injury Awareness: Here’s What To Know

One of the most serious injuries your body can experience is a brain injury.  As the brain is the central command center for your entire body it can be life altering if you experience an injury to your brain.  It doesn’t matter how you injure your brain, whether you’ve been in a Connecticut auto accident or are injured at work resulting in a brain injury, these injuries are serious and should be treated as such.

We are highlighting some of the things you can do to protect yourself against an injury that could change your life forever.  Today, however, we want to bring attention to the movement to shed light on the lives that those with brain injuries lead.

First, it is important to understand that no two brain injuries are the same.  Even if the circumstances of an incident were exactly the same, the injuries may not be the same at all.  Every person’s brain is situated differently and affected differently by trauma and therefore it is extremely difficult to diagnose and treat because treatments will be as varied as the injuries themselves.

It is also important to understand that the effects of a brain injury, similarly to how the injuries are not the same, will vary greatly from person to person.  A person could be experiencing headaches and someone else may be experiencing loss of bodily function due to the injury sustained.  The brain controls all of your body’s functions so an injury to the brain can have a drastic impact on anything in your body.

The cause of a brain injury, where in the brain the  injury is located and how bad the injury is will determine what the likely effects of the injury on your well-being.

The simple answer is to treat anyone you meet or interact with that may have a brain injury as a person with feelings and emotions and don’t treat them like a charity case.  Many people with brain injuries are high functioning and can participate in society without any special accommodations.  You can also learn more about brain injuries and the people who are affected by them by visiting this website and engaging with their community.  

Spending time to understand the brain injury community is one of the many things you can do to support those who are experiencing this type of injury.  

We hope that some of the information we will provide to you this month will help you avoid an injury of such severity and keep you on a healthy and safe path.