Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

November 2020

The Three Damages You May Be Eligible To Receive In A Connecticut Personal Injury Case

If you’ve been injured in one way or another and believe you may have a Connecticut personal injury case, you may want to contact our office to speak with an attorney. Our attorneys will review your case and then go over how you may proceed to seek damages for your injury.

In that line of thinking it is important that you are aware of the types of damages that you may be eligible to receive.

What Impact Your Blood Alcohol Has On Your Ability To Operate A Car

Despite there being incredible research and information available to the public about drunk driving, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that there are 30 deaths every DAY that involve drivers under the influence of alcohol. This staggering number speaks to the fact that there are people on the road who may be driving without really knowing the impact of alcohol on their abilities to operate a vehicle.

Study Finds - Texting/Talking While Driving Is A Major Concern

Each year the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety surveys people to determine the Traffic Safety Culture Index. This year was no different and the report discovered some interesting trends when it came to driver’s attitudes about texting or talking while driving vs. their behaviors in these two areas.

So how did respondents feel about the perceived dangers of texting/talking while driving? The vast majority of respondents were aware of the dangers:

Three Things You Should Know About Filing A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

If you have been injured on the job or contracted an illness while working you may need to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim. No one wants to get injured or ill on the job, but if you do you should be able to take the appropriate time off your job to heal and recover from your injury or illness.

When you’ve been injured or become ill you’ll want to have the following three pieces of information so you can do it right and get the benefits that you are entitled to. 

Study Finds 25,000 Work Related Illnesses Each Year In Connecticut

Often when we think of a worker filing a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim we think of an injury. Our minds turn to visions of a worker who hurt himself falling off of a high ladder or another worker who suffered a broken hand when she hit it with a hammer. These types of injuries are not the only work related health issues that arise throughout the state.

Your Steps To Return To “Light Duty” Work After A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

After you’ve filed a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim and your injury has healed, you may be released by your attending physician for what is labeled as “light duty” work. While you may not be able to return to work for the job that you held before, you can look for work that is less strenuous and able to be done post-injury.

Connecticut Workers’ Compensation: 5 Things To Know About Asbestos Exposure

If you have spent a lifetime of your working years with the possibility of having been exposed to asbestos, you could become gravely ill and even experience a fatality. Exposure to this material is an all-too often cause of serious illness for those that work around it regularly.

Knowing some of the most important things about asbestos exposure and how it can affect you may have the result of saving your life. If you are aware, you can be seen, and you can be treated. The following is a non-exhaustive list of facts about asbestos exposure: