Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

November 2019

In A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim What Does Maximum Medical Improvement Mean?

If you were injured on the job and have filed a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, you will eventually reach a point that is referred to as your maximum medical improvement (MMI.)  But what does this term mean and how does it affect your claim.

When you reach maximum medical improvement it is confirmed by your attending physician that your injury has been rehabilitated to the point that treatment will no longer improve the situation.  Therefore if the injury persists you are entitled to permanent partial disability which is estimated by your physician.

The Seven Steps Of A Typical Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Case

Not all Connecticut Workers’ Compensation cases are created equal.  In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find any two cases that were exactly alike.  That being said, typical workers’ compensation cases follow similar paths to resolution.

When you are injured at work and find it necessary to file a workers’ compensation claim your claim will follow these series of steps that will take your case to completion.  Working with one of our experienced board certified workers’ compensation attorney will help you protect your interests throughout the process.  

Teen Driver Fatalities in Connecticut On Pace For A Decline In 2019

According to the Connecticut Transportation Safety Research Center at the University of Connecticut teens who have been involved in a Connecticut auto accident this year are experiencing the lowest number of fatalities within the last five years.

These numbers are encouraging but not conclusive that teen drivers have become safer and therefore accidents are being limited.  In fact, accidents among teens are still more prevalent by a factor of 3 then by older drivers.

Five Signs Someone At Work Is Abusing Opioids

The opioid epidemic is reaching across all aspects of our lives to people we know and spend a significant amount of time with.  This may include our co-workers who may be battling addiction right now.  Addiction is a serious matter for the user, but it can also impact your safety at the workplace and should not be ignored.

If you notice any of the following signs from any of your co-workers you should aid them in seeking help.

Study Finds That 75% Of Employers Are Impacted By Opioid Use At Work

The epidemic of opioid use throughout the country has taken a toll on families and homes and now a new study has found that it is also impacting the workplace.  A study done by the National Safety Council has found that 75% of employers believe that their workplace has been affected by opioid use.  

The number is staggering, but almost more staggering is that just 17% of those polled said that they were at least somewhat prepared for dealing with this type of use in their workplaces.  Here are some more eye popping numbers from the study:

Study Finds That 75% Of Employers Are Impacted By Opioid Use At Work

The epidemic of opioid use throughout the country has taken a toll on families and homes and now a new study has found that it is also impacting the workplace.  A study done by the National Safety Council has found that 75% of employers believe that their workplace has been affected by opioid use.  

The number is staggering, but almost more staggering is that just 17% of those polled said that they were at least somewhat prepared for dealing with this type of use in their workplaces.  Here are some more eye popping numbers from the study:

You May Receive Reimbursements For Travel For Your Medical Services In A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Case

One of the ways you can be compensated in a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim is by being reimbursed for your travel expenses to and from your medical appointments.  Whether you are able to get yourself to your appointments or need special transportation you are entitled to reimbursement.  

The following travel expenses are reimbursable as part of your claim:

Steps Pedestrians Can Take To Stay Safe At Intersections

When you’re out walking the streets you are not immune to the possibility of being in a Connecticut auto accident.  Crossing busy intersections can be dangerous, but approaching them with caution can help save you serious injury or even death.

Pedestrian accidents are an all too often occurrence that so often can be avoided.  With a little bit of extra care being paid you can stay safe even when drivers are not always paying attention.

Here are a few steps you can take, as a pedestrian, to avoid injury or worse while out walking the streets of your community.

How To Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident At A Red Light

All too often drivers who run red lights or stop short at red lights cause accidents and in many cases these accidents can lead to a fatality.  In fact, AAA reported that in 2017 there were nearly 1,000 fatalities due to drivers who ran a red light.  

When a driver runs a red light accidents can be particularly bad and often lead to death.  The impact of running a red light can not be understated.

3 Quick and Easy Things To Do To Prevent A Connecticut Auto Accident This Winter

As much as we all hate to admit it, winter weather is coming fast and furious.  Before you know it we’ll be feeling cold temperatures and snow flakes will be falling.  That is why it’s important now to prepare your car for the coming winter months.  If you wait, it may be too late. 

Taking these 3 quick and easy steps to prepare your car for the coming season change will help you prevent a Connecticut auto accident and stay safe this winter.