Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Steps Pedestrians Can Take To Stay Safe At Intersections

When you’re out walking the streets you are not immune to the possibility of being in a Connecticut auto accident.  Crossing busy intersections can be dangerous, but approaching them with caution can help save you serious injury or even death.

Pedestrian accidents are an all too often occurrence that so often can be avoided.  With a little bit of extra care being paid you can stay safe even when drivers are not always paying attention.

Here are a few steps you can take, as a pedestrian, to avoid injury or worse while out walking the streets of your community.

  • Always use sidewalks: Where available you should always walk on sidewalks.  Using a wide “break-down lane” can be tempting, but it can also be dangerous.  Staying on the sidewalk is the only way to stay truly safe while walking.
  • Be Patient:  When approaching an intersection you might want to race through to beat a “walk” sign that is just about to change.  Impatient drivers can be too quick to get started through an intersection and that, combined with your racing to beat a walk sign could spell trouble.
  • Be Aware: Using all of your senses when approaching an intersection is a must.  Keeping your eyes and ears open at all times to make sure that you are completely aware of your surroundings will keep you safe.
  • Make sure motorists can SEE you:  Whether you’re walking during the day or at night, stay in plain view of the drivers so they know if you’re about to cross the street.  Be aware of branches or signs that could be hindering their ability to SEE you.  

Taking a few extra precautionary measures while you’re out walking can be the difference between arriving to your destination safely or something far worse.

If you or a loved one were injured while out walking contact our office immediately.  Our experienced personal injury attorneys can help you navigate you case.