Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

August 2018

What Happens when Drivers Violate Connecticut’s Handheld Device Ban

Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the largest contributing causes of accidents on the roadways throughout the United States. In fact, a recent survey found that about two-thirds of all drivers involved in an accident were distracted in the seconds before the collision. At the top of the list of dangerous distractions is using a cell phone while driving. For this reason, many states have begun to regulate cell phone usage in the car.

Trucking Companies Can Hire Dangerous Drivers

A collision with a large truck is one of the most dangerous accidents that can happen on the road. Most people assume that since truck drivers require a special license and go through a hiring process before they are allowed to operate a truck, they must be excellent drivers. This is not always the case. A study conducted by The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration found that the leading cause of large truck accidents was due to driver error.

Falls Can Cause Broken Hips

A slip and fall or trip and fall accident can happen anywhere, and they are especially common in retail shops, nursing homes, or public areas. One of the most common injuries in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident is a broken hip, especially for older adults. This is a dangerous injury, especially for the elderly population who often have much longer recovery periods. If you’ve broken your hip and believe that a negligent business owner caused this injury, speak with an attorney to review your options.

Common Injuries in Rear-End Collisions

There are many injuries that can occur in the event of a rear-end collision. The severity of these injuries will depend on a number of factors, including how quickly the car was driving when they hit you, what type of car or truck collided with you, and if there was any inclement weather that could add to the seriousness of the accident. Hopefully, if you were the victim of a rear-end collision, you were able to walk away with minor scratches. All too often though, these accidents result in much more serious injuries.