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Falls Can Cause Broken Hips

A slip and fall or trip and fall accident can happen anywhere, and they are especially common in retail shops, nursing homes, or public areas. One of the most common injuries in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident is a broken hip, especially for older adults. This is a dangerous injury, especially for the elderly population who often have much longer recovery periods. If you’ve broken your hip and believe that a negligent business owner caused this injury, speak with an attorney to review your options.

The Dangers of a Broken Hip

A broken hip can be more than a mere inconvenience—it can dramatically change your life and your physical ability, and depending on the severity, this injury can even threaten your life. Some of the dangers of breaking a hip include:

  • Dramatically reduced and limited physical independence

  • An increased risk of weaker bones, meaning that another fall could result in a more serious injury, or even death.

  • Complications can lead to other dangerous injuries such as bed sores, pneumonia, blood clots, and extreme muscle degeneration

At best, you experience limited mobility as your broken hip heals. Unfortunately, in many cases, a broken hip will lead to a slew of other issues and can have a long-term negative impact on your overall health.

Holding the Liable Party Accountable for your Accident

Proving liability in a slip and fall accident can be challenging, and for this reason, and it can always be wise to discuss your case with an experienced personal injury attorney. Typically, there are three things that you must be able to show in order to prove liability:

  1. The property owner owed you the duty of care to keep the premises safe, due to your status as a visitor or customer.

  2. The property owner or employee knew or should have known about this issue (for example, someone had complained about it in the past).

  3. The owner or employee failed to remedy the situation.

Proving negligence can be tricky, as it could be difficult to demonstrate that the property owner or employee knew or should have known of the dangerous condition that caused your broken hip. A lawyer who understands the nature of this type of personal injury can help you put together a strong claim to show negligence attributed to your accident.

Call a Connecticut Slip and Fall Lawyer Today


If you suffered a hip fracture or another injury in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident, there is a chance another party or person is liable for your injury. To learn more about your options, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer at Leighton, Katz & Drapeau. We have served Connecticut for more than 30 years and are dedicated to protecting the rights of our clients. We will examine the circumstances of your fall and help you to move forward with a claim that encompasses the damages. Call us today at (860) 875-7000 or contact us online to schedule a time to come in for a free initial consultation.