Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Common Injuries in Rear-End Collisions

There are many injuries that can occur in the event of a rear-end collision. The severity of these injuries will depend on a number of factors, including how quickly the car was driving when they hit you, what type of car or truck collided with you, and if there was any inclement weather that could add to the seriousness of the accident. Hopefully, if you were the victim of a rear-end collision, you were able to walk away with minor scratches. All too often though, these accidents result in much more serious injuries.

Rear-End Accident Injuries

A rear-end accident can happen anywhere. You could be stopped at a red light when the person driving behind you fails to hit the brakes because they are looking at their cell phone. You might be on the highway, driving the speed limit, when a truck driver who is exhausted and unfit to drive crashes into you from behind. However the accident happens, the risk of injury is high in a rear-end collision.

We have represented many clients who were the victims of a rear-end collision. Some of the more common injuries we have seen include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries

  • Broken bones

  • Spinal injuries

  • Soft tissue injuries—sprains and strains

  • Whiplash

  • Facial bruising (due to the force of impact when an airbag deploys)

If you have been hurt in a rear-end collision, it is important to recognize the steps you will need to take to move forward with a claim against the negligent driver.

What to Do After a Rear-End Collision

Often times, immediately after a collision, accident victims experience a state of extreme confusion. Many people who have been hurt in an accident actually go into a state of shock and have trouble dealing with even the most basic things after a collision. Here are a few steps to take after you’ve been in a rear-end accident.

  • Call the police. They will show up on the scene and collect contact information from both drivers, and any potential eyewitnesses. The police will put all of this information into the official accident report. They can also call an ambulance for you if needed.

  • See a doctor who can exam you and evaluate you for any injuries that you may have suffered.

  • Find a skilled and experienced attorney who will explain the claims process and will speak with the insurance companies on your behalf.

Don’t Delay—Speak to a Connecticut Personal Injury Attorney

After you have been rear-ended, you might imagine that the responsible party will pay for all of your damages. Unfortunately, the insurance companies will typically push back and attempt to offer a lower settlement, even when someone else is at fault for the accident. At Leighton, Katz & Drapeau, our legal team has been proudly serving clients in Connecticut for the last thirty years and we are dedicated to protecting the rights of those who have been injured in a rear-end collision. Call us today at (860) 875-7000 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help.