Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

The Seven Steps Of A Typical Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Case

Not all Connecticut Workers’ Compensation cases are created equal.  In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find any two cases that were exactly alike.  That being said, typical workers’ compensation cases follow similar paths to resolution.

When you are injured at work and find it necessary to file a workers’ compensation claim your claim will follow these series of steps that will take your case to completion.  Working with one of our experienced board certified workers’ compensation attorney will help you protect your interests throughout the process.  

Step 1: You’re injured on the job

Step 2: You seek medical attention and are totally incapacitated from work

Step 3: Continue to be incapacitated from work while under the care of an attending physician

Step 4: If your medical condition improves you are returned to “light work” or “restricted” work

Step 5: You reach Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI)

Step 6: You exhaust the period when PPD benefits are being paid

Step 7: You may be eligible for 31-308a benefits, which are limited to the number to the number of weeks of PPD benefits

While not all workers’ compensation claims will follow each and every step in this list, a typical case will see a number of these steps along the way.

If you have been injured on the job an experienced board certified workers’ compensation attorney can help explain the process of filing a claim and walk you through the process.  Contact our office today for help with your case.