Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

In A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim What Does Maximum Medical Improvement Mean?

If you were injured on the job and have filed a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, you will eventually reach a point that is referred to as your maximum medical improvement (MMI.)  But what does this term mean and how does it affect your claim.

When you reach maximum medical improvement it is confirmed by your attending physician that your injury has been rehabilitated to the point that treatment will no longer improve the situation.  Therefore if the injury persists you are entitled to permanent partial disability which is estimated by your physician.

Maximum Medical Improvement does not mean that your injury is completely healed, but it does mean that your attending physician has determined that at that particular time, that treatment is not necessary.  

If you’ve been determined to have reached MMI, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t additional options for you to receive benefits or additional medical treatment.  Our experienced team of board certified workers’ compensation attorneys can help you navigate your claim and protect your long term interests.