Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Five Car Features That Protect Children From Connecticut Auto Accidents

The United States Department of Transportation’s National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has released a list of the features that can help save the lives of kids before or during a Connecticut auto accident

When you’re taking into consideration the youngest riders among us in your search for the safest car, you’ll want to keep the following features in mind to keep yourself and your child safe.

  • Side impact airbags: These newly introduced safety features can save lives, but there also needs to be care taken with kids in the car. If kids are leaning on the side impact airbags or near them when they deploy it could cause harm. If you have these, be aware  of the seat position of your kids.
  • Rear seatbelt warning systems: Cars have come equipped with alerts that indicate when someone in the front seat is not wearing a seatbelt for years, but only recently have car manufacturers been adding in the feature that will tell the driver if someone in the backseat is not wearing their seatbelt.
  • Pinch protection: Some windows now come equipped with this technology which will reverse the direction of a window if there is something in its way. If your little one is rolling up the window, but their fingers are in the way, the window will sense that and reverse its direction.
  • Child Safety Locks: Not new technology, but certainly one that is designed to keep kids safe. Safety locks allow the driver to control when and if the car door in the rear can be unlocked.
  • Backup Cameras: There is danger for children even if they are not in the car, but backup cameras are a great tool to help with that. If kids are playing around the car while you’re backing up, the backup camera can be a resource to make sure that all kids are safe.

These five new safety features can ultimately keep your child or another driver’s child from being injured in a Connecticut auto accident.

If you or a loved one’s child was injured, contact our office immediately and one of our attorneys will review your case.