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These Two Spring Weather Conditions Can Lead To A Connecticut Auto Accident

One thing that is out of your control when you’re driving is the weather.  Weather conditions can change in the blink of an eye, especially in the spring, and when they do you can get in a situation that could lead to a Connecticut auto accident quite quickly.   You know the old saying, in New England, if you don’t like the weather just wait five minutes.  In the spring, that can be reduced to 1-2 minutes.

Your initial thought on the worst weather season for driving might be winter when the conditions can be filled with icy roads and snow storms, but that’s not always the case.  In the winter the weather can actually be somewhat predictable with snow storms dropping a lot of snow all at once and roads being visibly icy so a driver can see the danger ahead.  Winter roads can be dangerous, but at least they can be a little bit predictable.

Spring weather can be much less predictable.  A typical week of spring weather can bounce between freezing temperatures and a summer-like feel.  Rain can quickly turn to sleet or ice and then back again to rain leaving roads treacherous for hours on end.  The weather conditions that come along with spring can be more dangerous than the average weather conditions in the winter.  

With the changing weather conditions of the spring it can be hard to be prepared, but if you know what types of conditions you might encounter you can at least be as ready as possible.  There are really two very dangerous conditions that occur in the spring and they can put you in a situation where you might get injured.

  1. Sun.  What harm could the sun do right?  Depending on where the sun is in the sky it can be quite blinding and cause you to lose visibility quickly.  In the event that you are not prepared for bright sunshine streaming into your line of sight you may want to pull over to the side of the road to wait until the sun gets into a different position so you can drive safely.  To be prepared for an event like this you will want to keep a pair of sunglasses with you at all times.  While this may not protect your eyes completely it will certainly dull the brightness of the sun and may allow you to continue driving safely.

  2. Rain.  Rainy conditions can sneak up on you in the spring and as mentioned above can fluctuate between a cold rain to an icy mix very quickly and without warning.  To protect yourself while you’re driving in these conditions you will want to make sure your tires are inflated to the proper pounds per square inch (PSI) and keep a close eye on the weather forecast to make sure you are ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store for you.

Spring can be a fun time to drive.  It’s the first time in a long time you’re able to drive with the windows rolled down and maybe a little music playing to ring in the warmer weather, but there are also some risks in getting behind the wheel during this time of the year.  Being prepared for just a few changes in weather conditions can help you prevent getting into a Connecticut auto accident and being injured behind the wheel.

If you contact our office after having been in an accident one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you about your particular situation.  Our attorneys have experience with a variety of situations and may be able to help protect your long-term interests.