Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

An Amputation Can Cause a Lifetime of Medical Costs

When an accident happens in the workplace, the results can be instantaneous and disastrous. Certain jobs pose a higher risk of injury, and an amputation is classified as one of the most serious injuries. Although employers are required by law to maintain careful measures to ensure a safe working environment, accidents still happen. A faulty piece of machinery, an inexperienced operator, a fall from a great height—all of these factors contribute to accidents in the workplace. Some are avoidable and may be caused by employer negligence. Some accidents are truly just that. Regardless of the source of the accident, if you are injured in the workplace, you have the right to request compensation. It is important to recognize the common causes of amputations on the job and to understand what you can do to protect yourself if you experience this unfortunate type of accident.

Common Causes of Workplace Amputations

Although an accident can happen almost anywhere, some of the more common causes of amputations on the job include:

  • Working around machines that cut, puncture, or rotate materials
  • Serious chemical burns
  • Exposure to dangerous materials
  • Working with power tools and electric saws
  • Using an electric meat slicer or grinder

If you experience an amputation when you are at work, seek immediate medical attention. Then reach out to an attorney who can help guide you through the next steps. A lawyer can help to collect witness testimony, medical evaluations, and any other documentation that will help support your claim. Having someone who understands this process will prove invaluable during this time.

Compensation for Accidents at Work

The state of Connecticut has a comprehensive system for awarding compensation to those who have been injured at work. Commonly known as “workers' comp,” employers are required to pay a certain amount of money every month for this type of insurance. This protects the company in the event that a worker is injured on the job. It allows the injured party to request compensation for a variety of expenses including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. The process can be complicated. If you are injured while at work, you want to make sure that you file a claim correctly. Working with an experienced workers compensation attorney can help reduce the stress you may be feeling after the accident. It will also help to ensure that your rights are represented and that you collect just compensation.

Amputation Accident Attorneys Serving Connecticut

If you have experienced an amputation due to an accident in your workplace, you know that life can change in an instant. It can be difficult to know what steps to take next. The lawyers at Leighton, Katz, and Drapeau have worked with many victims of workplace accidents and have the experience to make the process of filling a claim as smooth as possible. We will work tirelessly on your behalf to help you collect compensation for current and future lost wages, recurring medical treatment, pain and suffering, and expensive medications. Contact us online or call us today at 860-875-7000 to set up a consultation to discuss the details of your case.