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Are Convertibles More Likely To Get Into A Connecticut Auto Accident?

There is something iconic about driving down the road in the summertime with the top down from your convertible.  The wind is blowing in your hair and your music might be up a touch too loud.  You might think that this makes you more likely to get into a Connecticut auto accident.  

Convertibles are not inherently more dangerous than other vehicles that do not have soft tops, however, the behaviors that this type of vehicle elicits in drivers may be detrimental to their safety and their passenger’s safety.  For instance, a driver of a convertible may drive faster than the speed limit.  Excessive speed is a true indicator of risky behavior behind the wheel.  Also, those who are riding in a noisy convertible with the top down may be more distracted by an inability to hear their passengers and therefore be distracted by the conversation.  These behaviors do not have anything to do with the design of the vehicle, but simply the impact it has, mentally and physically on the driver.

From a design standpoint there is no indication that the design of a convertible is any more or less safe than vehicles with other design types.  According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) there is nothing in the design of a convertible that makes it more dangerous than a vehicle that has a hard top, despite it’s somewhat flimsy appearance.   

The IIHS just completed a review of crash and fatality data that looked at the differences between the data from cars with hard tops and those with convertible tops.  In its investigation it discovered that there were slightly less crashes and deaths among those driving convertibles than there were among those driving hard tops.  However, the report indicated that the smaller amount of crash activity was not statistically significant and therefore the organization concluded that there was likely no difference between the two types of vehicles.  

While previous research had indicated a different result where convertibles were considered to be more likely to cause a fatal crash, new data of later model convertibles from the late 2010s revealed that this was no longer a concern and that drivers could feel good about either type of car.

It may seem like good news for convertible drivers, and it is, but there is also the fact that Connecticut auto accidents still happen on a regular basis and that is true no matter what type of car you drive.  Driving has inherent risks and those risks remain the same whether you’re driving a convertible with the top down or a large SUV.

No matter the type of car you drive you may need to seek an attorney if you’re involved in an accident.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will review your case and work to protect your long-term interests.