Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Are You Working Outside In The Cold? Keep Yourself Warm To Stay Safe

When you work on a job site that is outside in the frigid cold winter months here in Connecticut the first thing you’re thinking about is probably keeping yourself warm for your own comfort, but did you know that keeping yourself warm can also have safety implications for you as well.  It’s true, when you are cold there is a greater risk of getting injured and having to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim because you are not working under optimal conditions.  

In Connecticut we are relatively lucky that the length of our cold, frozen tundra season is relatively short.  In fact, for those that work outside the amount of time when the cold air can be a factor is about a quarter of the year.  That may seem like a lot of time, but compare it to other colder places in the country that see these kinds of temperatures or temperatures that are even colder than those found in and around the tri-state area.

With all of that said, if you are working outside during the cold months in Connecticut you will want to make sure you are keeping yourself as warm as possible.  It is especially important to keep your extremities like fingers and toes warm when working outside.  There are times when your fingers and toes get so cold that you start to lose feeling in the tips of each finger or each toe.  This can present a serious problem for you, especially if your job requires that you handle tools or climb ladders.  

What can you do to keep yourself warm and prevent accidents from happening?  You will want to start by having the appropriate gear to wear that will protect you from the elements.  Simple things like a good pair of wool socks and a highly rated pair of gloves, this is a good place to start to make sure your extremities are taken care of when it is cold.  You may not want to stop there and if your job allows, you may wish to include hand and feet warmers inside your socks and gloves to keep yourself extra warm.  Once you’ve found the right combination for your feet, you will want to make sure you are picking the appropriate footwear that will compliment your socks and feet warmers.

Don’t stop with just your extremities because it is important to make sure your whole body remains warm.  While losing your physical ability to feel with your feet and your fingers can be detrimental to doing your job safely, being cold can be mentally taxing and can cause you to run into all kinds of issues that may cause you to put yourself in an unsafe position.  It is important that you protect your face from the whipping wind that is often felt this time of year.  A good, breathable face mask will help protect the skin on your face from the cold while also allowing you to communicate and breathe easily.  

You will then want to focus on keeping your body warm with a winter coat that is highly rated for outside temperatures that may dip below zero.  Manufacturers of coats will often put the rating of their coats at a certain temperature and you will want to make sure to get one that is rated for the coldest possible temperatures so you can wear it throughout the winter months without any concern.

Keeping yourself warm when on the job is not only a comfort thing, it is also very much a safety thing.  If you are cold you are much more likely to get injured and have to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  If you find the right balance of function and comfort for your clothing to keep you warm during the winter months you will be in a safer position as the weather remains cold for months on end.

If you find yourself working in a cold weather environment which leads you to an injury you may need to speak with a board certified workers’ compensation attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced attorneys will speak with you and go over the details of your situation.