Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Avoid A Connecticut Auto Accident As You Age With These Safe Driving Tips

Every year that passes we are faced with a new and changing definition of what it means to be a safe driver. When we are young a seat belt and low speeds are the expectations for driving safely.  As we get older, along with these important safe driving tips, there are many more to consider as well.

Avoiding a Connecticut auto accident as we get older is not as easy as just low speeds and seat belts. Staying safe on the road requires paying attention to your well being off the roadways. According to AARP, as drivers age there are important steps you can take to keep yourself safe.

  • Vision: Making sure that you have your eyes checked as you age and are wearing the proper glasses/contacts will help you stay safe on the road.
  • Mental Health: Keeping your mind sharp will help with response times while you are driving.  A great way to do this is through mind games such as sudoku.  
  • Focus: One of the best ways you can keep yourself safe at any age is to avoid distractions like cell phones, pets, and food.  

Staying safe on Connecticut’s roadways requires a focus on safety, but as you age there are other concerns that you must take into account.  

If you or a loved one have been involved in a Connecticut auto accident you may need an attorney to represent you and protect your long term interests with the insurance companies.  Contact our firm so we can review your case.