Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Can A Truck Accident Also Be Considered A Workers’ Compensation Claim?

Truck drivers have a very difficult job that is heavily regulated by the federal government to keep both truck drivers and the general population safe.  While these regulations are designed to protect the roadways, they aren’t foolproof and sometimes truck accidents do happen.

While there is a connection between a Connecticut truck accident and a workers’ compensation claim in this case, the trucker is absolutely entitled to file a claim with his/her company.

The process is no different then in a more traditional setting.  The truck driver should report his/her injury to a supervisor as soon as it occurs which will start the ball rolling on getting a claim filed.

Just like in any other workplace incident the injury must have occurred during the truck driver performing duties of the job and cannot be an injury that was sustained outside of working hours.  

The state of Connecticut is a major throughway for truck drivers delivering goods up and down the East Coast of the United States and therefore these types of injuries occur more often then you might think.  If you are a truck driver and were injured in a truck accident you may consider filing a workers’ compensation claim.  Contact our office and one of our board certified attorneys can review your case and help sort out the connection between a Connecticut truck accident and a workers’ compensation claim.