Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Common Injuries That Could Lead To A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim While On A Business Trip

It doesn’t matter how you feel about business trips; they can sometimes be a necessary part of your job.  Whether you’re traveling down the street or across the country there your business may require that you hit the road to perform the duties of your role.  Being outside of your normal routine and pace of your job can lead to you being put in situations that you are unsure about and could lead to an injury that could become a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury, even though you are away from your physical workplace.

One of the most common injuries that occur when you are away from your workplace result from auto accidents.  If you are driving to and from the location of your off site visit you can get into an accident which would then lead to you becoming injured which would constitute a workplace injury.  Taking the appropriate precautionary measures that you would take when driving will help keep you safe from these types of accidents like driving the speed limit, not becoming distracted while you’re driving and wearing a seatbelt.  Even after you do all of your safety checks and steps you may still find yourself injured and that could be a workplace injury that should be immediately reported to your supervisor and filed as a claim.

If you’re traveling you may find yourself in a rush and that is when accidents happen.  If you’re racing through the airport or are lost on your way to a meeting it is common to trip and fall and injure yourself.  If you are able to get back on your feet and get to where you are going after your accident you should do that and then report the fall to your supervisor when you get to your destination.  If the injury is significant you should stay in place and seek medical attention so you can report your injury thoroughly to your supervisor.  

Respiratory illnesses can also become an issue when you’re traveling to a new location.  Local conditions and weather patterns may affect how your body reacts and can lead you to becoming ill while on your business trip, but it can also carry over to your time when you return to your home base.  If this is the case you should report this illness to your supervisor immediately and decide on a course of action.  If your illness is going to require you to miss time away from your work you may need to file a claim.  Illnesses should be considered a serious condition and should be addressed as such so you can get better after experiencing this issue.

One rare, but dangerous injury that you may experience when traveling for business is a blood clot.  This is something that often happens when you are immobile for a period of time.  Blood clots are most likely to occur when you are flying long-distances.  If you are taking a plane to your destination you should be on the lookout for symptoms such as swelling in your arms or legs and skin that is warm to the touch and may be discolored.  If you start to experience these symptoms you should seek medical attention right away and when you are able report this injury to your supervisor.

The common theme in any injury that could lead to a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim is that you should always report it to your supervisor as soon as possible.  The sooner you begin the claim the sooner you are likely to receive compensation and the less likely it is to be denied by your employer.  Don’t waste time, report your injury and start the process immediately.

Our team of board certified workers compensation attorneys are on stand-by to help you with any workplace injury you might experience.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will speak with you about the particular situation you find yourself in and work with you to protect your long-term interests.