Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Company Cited For Exposing Employees To Dangerous Chemicals

A Connecticut aircraft parts manufacturer was cited this month for failing to protect its employees from dangerous chemicals that are considered carcinogens according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA.)  The company was cited for six different violations and fined over $300,000.  

The citation of the company says that it’s employees were exposed while painting, mixing, and removing paint from small aircraft parts.  Two of the citations were for willful violation by the company.  This type of exposure, if it leads to injury, may be considered a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  

The types of safety items that the company was cited for include;

  • Failure to determine the level of exposure 

  • Failure to assess employee’s exposure

  • Reduce employee exposure to chemicals by implementing controls and work practices

  • Not providing enough personal protective equipment to its employees

  • Ensure appropriate respiratory protection for those employees who are exposed

  • Failure to provide adequate training for all employees

These types of citations will come from government oversight of companies in order to protect the health and safety of workers.  However, government agencies don’t always catch these violations while they are happening and therefore a violation can very easily lead to an injury.  It is incumbent upon you as the employee to report any injuries you may have sustained on the job which may lead to a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  This is not only important to help you protect your long-term interests, but it also may save one of your coworkers from becoming injured on the job as well.

At our firm we have a number of board certified workers’ compensation attorneys who have worked on very complex filings for clients.  If you’ve been injured as a result of exposure to chemicals or other unsafe working conditions you may need to consult with one of our attorneys to make sure that you are being fully compensated for these injuries.