Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Construction Worker Experience Workplace Injury Due To A Fall

There are a bunch of different types of workplace injuries that can result in a  Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  Some can be mild in nature and not require a lot of time away from the workplace, while others can be more severe and require a worker to be away from her/his job for many months or even for years.  While the severity of the injury does not determine whether or not a claim is approved or denied, it certainly can create great complications in assessing a particular claim.

The injury that occurred recently to a Connecticut construction worker was not one of the more severe injuries that we have seen in the state as of late, but it certainly was scary and provided a reminder for all construction workers that injuries can happen on any given day.  In the grand scheme of things, a fall from three stories up is not the most dramatic construction site injury that there could be, but it still highlights the need for all workers to focus on safety as a way to keep themselves and their co-workers safe.

If an injury does occur to you while you’re on the job the first thing you should do is notify your supervisor about it.  It is important that your supervisor knows about the injury as soon as it happens, if this is physically possible, so she/he can help assess the situation and then begin the process of filing the paperwork that will allow you to be compensated appropriately for your injury.

In the event that you are working on a job site that requires you to be high up off the ground, such as the construction site where this injury occurred, you should follow certain safety protocols to keep yourself safe.  Many of these protocols should be spelled out by your employer and if they are not you should make sure that you address that with your employer before you participate in any job on the job site that requires you to be put in a situation that might lead to an injury.  While it is not your responsibility to track down safety protocols from your employer, it can be to your benefit to find these safety protocols and follow them as best you can to avoid injury.

While most workers are not inclined to report their employers to the authorities, in the event that working conditions are not safe this may become a necessity.  You can report your employer to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) so they can do a thorough investigation.  This may not be the ideal scenario for you, but neither would falling from a high building in the process of doing your job.  In the long run it will keep yourself and your co-workers safe if you take the initiative and report any unsafe working conditions to OSHA.

Still, there is one other thing you can do if you do not feel that your working conditions are safe and that you may be at risk of getting injured, you can leave your job.  This can be a very difficult thing to do, especially when you rely on your paycheck each week to support yourself and your family, but it may also be your only recourse if your employer is putting you in unsafe working conditions.  Leaving your job can be scary, but it can also be the best thing you can do to keep yourself safe when working on an unsafe worksite.

Injuries happen at work sites all the time.  This doesn’t mean that the work site is unsafe, it just means that accidents sometimes lead to injuries which may lead to a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  That being said, if you do feel like you are experiencing unsafe working conditions you should take some steps to remedy that situation.  It could mean the difference between you working a long, successful job and being injured and out of work for longer than you could ever imagine.

In the event that an accident were to happen and you did get injured you may wish to speak with a board certified workers’ compensation attorney.  Contact our office and one of our experienced and board certified attorneys will speak with you about your particular situation and work with you on protecting your long-term interests.