Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Connecticut Factory Explosions

If you work in an industrial factory, there’s a good chance that there you work around explosive materials. While explosions may not be the most common cause of injuries at factories, when they do occur, the results can be devastating. In many cases, victims of factory explosions suffer serious injuries that can adversely affect them for the rest of their lives. Fortunately, in many cases, victims are entitled workers’ compensation benefits through Connecticut’s workers’ compensation program. To learn more about your benefits through the program, contact a Connecticut workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as you can.

What Causes Factory Explosions?

Factory explosions can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Importantly, because workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, it does not matter whether a factory explosion was the result of employer, employee, or third-party negligence. If the explosion happened at work, victims will typically be entitled to benefits. Some of the more common causes of factory explosions include:

  • Poorly maintained boilers

  • Inadequate employee training

  • Poor equipment maintenance

  • Use of substandard or contaminated chemicals

  • Hidden corrosion

  • Equipment malfunctions

  • Smoking on the premises

Common Factory Explosion Injuries

Explosions are capable of causing extremely serious injuries, including those that leave victims with long-term injuries from which they will never fully recover. Factory explosions can cause injuries in a variety of ways, including through the force of the initial blast, causing objects for fall or fly through the air, resulting in fires or chemical exposure. Some common injuries that factory workers sustain in explosions include the following:

Do You Need a Lawyer After a Factory Explosion?

If you suffered injuries in a factory explosion, you may wonder whether you need to retain an attorney to represent you, especially as the workers’ compensation system is supposed to provide you with benefits regardless of fault. That said, workers’ compensation insurers are for-profit companies that are incentivized to deny claims or pay out as little as possible.

For this reason, it’s critical that you properly file your workers’ compensation claim with adequate documentation from the beginning. The assistance of an attorney can maximize your chances of obtaining full benefits and quickly as possible. In addition, should your workers’ compensation claim be denied, an attorney who is already familiar with your case can immediately file an appeal on your behalf and represent you in any proceedings that may occur.

Call Us Leighton Katz & Drapeau Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation With a Hartford Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you suffered injuries in a factory explosion or any other workplace accident, it’s imperative that you speak to a lawyer as soon as you can. The assistance of an experienced lawyer can ensure that you obtain the benefits to which you are entitled under Connecticut law as quickly and efficiently as possible. To schedule a free case evaluation with a workers’ compensation attorney in Connecticut, call our office today at (860) 875-7000 or contact us online.