Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim May Come From Someplace Unexpected

When you work in a building that is accessible to the public, sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where an unexpected injury befalls you.  That was the case for those who worked at a grocery store in New Haven and were injured when a vehicle crashed into the side of the building.  Talk about unexpected, these injuries literally happened in a split second and without warning to those involved.  Even though the injuries were not the fault of the employer or the worker, they may still be considered a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim because the injuries happened while at work.  

Injuries like this are rare, but they do occur, and when they happen while you’re at work it is important to follow the same procedures that you would if you were injured as a result of an action you were taking to complete your job.  The same steps apply and should be followed to make sure your workplace knows about the injury as soon as possible.

The first step you should take in any situation where you are injured at work is to notify your supervisor of the situation immediately.  Let her/him know so they can start the paperwork on your claim and so that the details of the injury are fresh in your mind.  In the case of this small grocery store, workers who were injured may have decided that their supervisor saw what had happened and therefore didn’t need to report their injuries, but that is not true.  It does not matter if your supervisor is there when the injury happens or not, you should always inform her/him of the injury and make sure a claim filing has begun.

Once you’ve notified your direct supervisor you should make sure you fill out any paperwork that is provided to you as soon as possible.  It is important that you take time to follow-up on your injury in a timely manner so that the details are fresh in your mind and you can share important details without forgetting anything that you experienced.

No matter the severity of the injury you should then seek medical attention.  Being seen by a medical provider will of course help you start to get well again, but it will also allow an expert to treat you and provide documentation on your injuries that may be helpful when filing a claim.  

If you do experience an injury at work you may wish to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.  When filing a claim things may get a little complicated and it can become important to have someone who is experienced in the type of situation you are facing.  Contact our office and one of our board certified attorneys will review the details of your situation and work with you to protect your long-term interests.