Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Continuous Training Is Critical To Avoiding Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Injuries

It is not uncommon for employees who are working with heavy machinery to become familiar with the equipment and then get complacent in their safety measures.  This is a natural human instinct once you get comfortable with something, but it can also have dire consequences like leading to a Connecticut workers’ compensation injury.

Safety measures on heavy equipment need to be reinforced on a regular basis through consistent training.  While training does not have to look the same every time it should reinforce the basic tenets of using the equipment safely to avoid an injury.  

While it can be tempting to skip training sessions or not pay attention during training sessions you will be doing this at your own risk.  Even the most experienced heavy machinery operator can find something new to learn in a training session and be reminded of basics that they might otherwise have forgotten over time.  By taking the time to get properly trained and continuously trained over the time you are working at a company you will be doing your part to avoid an injury at your workplace.

If you were injured on the job you may need a Board Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney to represent your best interests.  Contact our office immediately to have one of our attorneys review your case.