Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

COVID-19 Long Hauler Syndrome May Be Considered A Workplace Injury

The pandemic has changed life in so many ways and now that most of the restrictions have been lifted many of us are moving back to some level of normalcy.  However, there are some people whose lives will not return to normal for a long while.

During the pandemic Governor Lamont issued an executive order indicating that anyone who contracted COVID-19 at work would be able to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim.   This order covered a specific time period.  Now there are workers who are suffering from what is called Long-Hauler Syndrome.  That is, those who have contracted COVID-19 while at work and are still suffering debilitating symptoms that make working difficult.

Some Long-Haul Syndrome symptoms include;

  • Fatigue

  • Loss of taste or smell

  • “Brain fog”

There are an estimated 33% of people who contracted COVID-19 but were never hospitalized who continue to suffer lasting symptoms that have changed their lives in different ways.  These symptoms are affecting those who contracted a mild case of COVID-19 and never required hospitalization but are now facing months or years of health issues.

Nearly 28 million people have contracted COVID-19 which means that there is a very large population of “long-haulers” in the United States who may have a compensable injury and can file a workers’ compensation claim.  

This type of claim may be difficult to prove and may require representation to ensure that your long-term interests are attended to.  Our board certified workers’ compensation attorneys can help you navigate the difficult waters that many “long-haulers” are facing.  If you have symptoms related to a positive COVID-19 test that have lingered for months, contact our office and we can review your claim.