Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Delivery Drivers Are Susceptible To Some Very Real Dangers Which May Cause A Workplace Injury

While e-commerce sales continue to soar, even after the holidays, delivery drivers are quickly becoming one of the most difficult jobs to be in.  Racing from home to home with large boxes in tow has great potential for causing a workplace injury which could lead to a Connecticut workers’ compensation case. 

Delivery drivers from Amazon and other major retailers are experiencing significantly higher than normal volumes of deliveries and are under increasing pressure to deliver fast and on-time.   This pressure presents a very real risk for these drivers who have become more and more susceptible to injury.

Some of the dangers that delivery drivers face may be fairly obvious, but others may not be considered even though they can be very serious.  For instance, a very typical danger might be an unfamiliar dog who presents a danger to the driver if they come in contact with the dog.  However, there are many other dangers that can creep up and cause the delivery driver peril, these include;

  • Parking accidents.  Accidents that occur while a driver is parked may result in serious and lasting injury.

  • Slippery and damaged sidewalks or walkways present a tripping, slipping, and falling hazard.

  • Unfamiliar surroundings.  As delivery drivers are covering more ground they may be in an area that is unfamiliar to them and may put them in an unsafe environment.

  • Violence from the customer is a real possibility and presents a danger to each delivery driver.

  • Lifting heavy things.  The demand on delivery drivers to move fast and carry heavy things is continuing to grow and this may put a strain on their backs or other muscles and cause lasting injury.

Delivery drivers are essential to keeping the economy going, especially as e-commerce continues to overtake brick and mortar stores as the primary way that people do their shopping.  These drivers must take extra precautions to avoid a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim derived from a workplace injury.

If you or a loved one has been injured while delivering packages, contact our office and one of our board certified workers’ compensation attorneys will review your case.