Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Delivery Drivers Can Take These Three Steps To Avoid Icy Conditions On The Job

Many people are at risk of slipping on ice in the winter months, even at work, but no job is more susceptible to icy conditions than that of a delivery driver.  With so many delivery trucks and drivers on the road these days this is quickly becoming one of the most common Connecticut workers’ compensation claim categories, specifically during the winter months.

While there isn’t much that you can do if you’re a delivery driver to get rid of the icy and snowy conditions that you are encountering there are some things you can do to make sure you are taking all the precautions you can to keep yourself safe when you are on the job.

  1. Pay close attention to your footwear.  The same sneakers you wore all summer long may not be the right footwear for the winter months.  Consider getting yourself a pair of boots with extra treads that are designed for slippery and icy conditions.  If you have the appropriate footwear you may be able to just walk right over the top of an ice or snow patch without much issue.

  2. Carry fewer packages.  Of course there is pressure on drivers to get as many packages delivered as they can in a short amount of time, but at what expense?  If it means keeping yourself free of a slip and fall injury you may want to take one package at a time so you can have full visibility of the path in front of you and take necessary steps to avoid any ice or snow.

  3. Come back tomorrow.  If a driveway or walkway is not cleared of snow or ice and you have the ability to return to that home the next day, do that.  Trudging through snow and ice is one sure fire way to get yourself hurt on a slippery patch.  While some companies may not allow this, you may want to speak with your supervisor about implementing this practice to keep you and your co-workers safe.

Slippery conditions are just a fact of life for many delivery drivers.  For drivers in Connecticut, it is an everyday battle through the winter months and into the early spring to avoid accidents that are due to ice and snow and even mud in some instances.  If you can take a few steps to avoid a Connecticut slip and fall accident while on the job you may not need to file a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, but if you do fall, you are well within your rights to report it to your supervisor and be compensated for your injuries.

If you are unsure about your injury and whether or not you should file a claim you may want to speak with one of our board-certified attorneys who can help you navigate through the process.  Contact our office and one of our attorneys will be happy to work with you in protecting your long-term interests.