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Distracted Driving Can Be Deadly, But Many Still Engage In It Study Finds

When you get into a car and start on your journey you may have heard that the dangers presented by being distracted by something can lead to a Connecticut auto accident.  Depending on the severity of your distraction this accident can become quite serious and lead to injuries or even worse outcomes.  

The safety experts at AAA have been studying distracted driving and driver attitudes toward this behavior since 1995 and have found some surprising results.  In the group’s most recent study which was conducted in 2013 drivers were very aware of the dangers of distracted driving, in fact a large majority of drivers (83%) rated texting while driving a distraction and indicated their belief that it was a dangerous behavior behind the wheel.  Drivers also reported that they believed that cell phone use was a behavior that could become distracting while they are driving.  This number was a smaller figure, but still a majority of those polled (58%) reported that it could be an issue.

So, why if a majority of drivers know distracted driving is a risky behavior do they continue to engage in the behavior at all?  

There’s really no simple answer to this question and most safety experts have concluded that the most important thing they can do is to continue to pressure state legislatures to enact laws that penalize drivers for being behind the wheel while being distracted (many states, including Connecticut have implemented this type of law.) Safety experts are also banking on educating the public around the dangers of distracted driving and hoping that as there is more information put into the public space, they will curb their behaviors.  In that vein, here are a few distractions that you should avoid to help you stay safe behind the wheel of your vehicle.

  1. Talking on your cell phone.  This is an area where many people believe the distraction is not as dangerous as something like texting with your phone, but the truth is that talking on your cell phone can be just as dangerous as it takes your eyes off the road and it takes your mental capacity away from the task of driving.

  2. Texting while driving.  Most people know that sending a text message while driving can be quite dangerous, in fact AAA reports that if you take your eyes off the road for two seconds to send a text message you double your chances of getting into an accident.  It is quite reasonable to think that the average text message takes at least 2-3 seconds to read and/or send.  This makes texting while driving one of the most distracting behaviors you can engage in.

  3. Eating while driving.  This may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about being distracted while you’re driving, but eating is a large distraction and can cause you to take your eyes off the road, sometimes unexpectedly.  When you’re eating your natural reaction is to the food you're eating and not to the road in front of you.  It is recommended that you skip the drive thru and eat when you arrive at your destination.

Distracted driving is a major problem and one of the many reasons why drivers will get into a Connecticut auto accident.  Simply knowing the facts around distracted driving is not enough to stop many drivers from engaging in this type of behavior.  It is for this reason that you need to know the facts and also model good behavior for your friends and family, so they are all learning from you, the right way to avoid distracted driving.

If you become injured while you’re behind the wheel or the passenger in a vehicle you may need to speak with an attorney.  Contact one of our experienced attorneys and we will work with you to protect your long-term interests.