Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Double Accident Reminds Us Of The Dangers For Construction Workers

While this is not the story of a Connecticut workers’ compensation claim, it is a cautionary tale that happened not too far away in Queens, NY.  A construction worker in Queens was working on a bridge and fell to the road below where he was then struck by an on-coming car.  He was then rushed to the hospital and was in critical condition.

Even though this incident did not happen in Connecticut it could very easily have happened here and we could be talking about one of our neighbors or friends who was working construction and then is fighting for his life.  It is a scary thing that is facing construction workers day in and day out and can lead to serious injury or even death for them as they do the dangerous work that many of us take for granted.

We wish the worker in Queens a speedy recovery from the injuries he suffered and we also want to use this as an opportunity to remind you that if you work in the field of construction there are some things you can do while on the job to avoid injuries.  Construction is one of the industries that has the largest number of injuries and fatalities while at work out of any other industry so it is imperative that if you work in the field you are taking the proper precautions.

The particulars of the situation in Queens are not known at this time, but there are certainly precautionary steps you can take as a construction worker to reduce the likelihood of an incident like this happening to you.

Step #1:  Follow all safety procedures and protocols.  If your company has not laid these out for you to follow you should ask for them.  If you ask for them and they do not provide them for you, you may have reason to report them to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for unsafe working conditions.  You can file this report without fear of retaliation.

Step #2: Always wear the proper equipment for the job that you are doing.  There is a reason that certain articles of clothing including, but not limited to, hard hats and harnesses are required for certain jobs.  If you are not wearing the proper clothing you are putting yourself at a disadvantage to protect yourself.

Step #3: Slow down.  Your boss or your company may want you to work at a specific speed, but if you feel working at that speed is putting you at greater risk you should speak up and work at the pace you feel comfortable at.  If you race through a particular task you may end up making mistakes which could lead to serious injury or death.  Take your time and if asked why you are by your superiors explain that you are taking safety seriously.

The health and safety of all workers is important as they are carrying out their duties in the field or in the office.  Getting injured in an office or on a construction site are both serious things and may be considered Connecticut workers’ compensation claims.  It does not matter the severity of the injury or the circumstances (in most cases) if you were injured on the job, you should file a claim.  

If you’re not sure how to proceed after you’ve been injured you can contact our office and one of our board certified attorneys will review your circumstances.  These experienced attorneys may work with you to help protect your long-term interests.