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Five Things You Should Do If Your Uber Driver Gets Into An Accident

The convenience of a ride sharing service like Uber is proven time and time again.  Getting you to and from a location quickly makes these services appealing.  There is however, a chance that your Uber or Lyft driver may get into an accident, which will put a damper on your plans.

If you are riding in a ridesharing vehicle you will want to take certain steps to make sure that your best interests are being looked out for.  There may be plenty of liability to go around and you, being a passenger, need to protect your interests by taking the following steps:

  • Treat the driver like they were the other driver in an accident with you;
  • Gather the driver’s contact information; 
  • Take down the driver’s insurance information;
  • Make note of which ridesharing company he/she is driving for;
  • Take pictures of the vehicles that were involved in the accident.

It is also important to know that an accident involving a ridesharing company may not just leave the driver liable, but it may also leave the company liable as well.  It is important to take down any and all information about the company your driver is working for during your accident.

Ridesharing is a relatively new form of transportation so laws are constantly changing around these types of accidents.  It is for this reason that it is best for you to work with a qualified Connecticut auto accident attorney who is well-versed in the changing laws and who can help guide you through the process of making sure you are compensated as you should be in the incident.