Working Hard for the Hardworking People of Connecticut

Four Occupational Illnesses That Could Lead To A Connecticut Workers’ Compensation Claim

When you hear about workers’ compensation claims being filed your mind may turn to some of the more common injuries that occur as a result of working.  Things like sprained or strained joints or muscles and broken bones are most often associated with filing these types of claims.  They are not however the only reason one might get injured and require a claim to be filed.


Occupational illnesses are recognized by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as workplace injuries and may be eligible for workers’ compensation claims.  While an illness may be slightly harder to prove then an injury, it is still considered a viable reason to file a claim.

Some occupational injuries that may result in a claim include:

  1. Skin diseases: Whether it be from irritation of the skin that resulted from coming in contact with chemicals at the workplace or environmental factors that led to the issue, these types of illness are common and may lead to a claim.

  2. Hearing loss: This is an injury that can cause permanent damage and may be a direct result of the environment in which you work.  This can be especially true if you work around heavy machinery and/or loud equipment.

  3. Poison:  One need not ingest a poisonous ingredient to become sick from it.  Ingestion is just one of the ways you may come in contact with poison and then get sick.  You may also be sickened by the absorption of poisons or toxins into your bloodstream through surface contact.

  4. Respiratory Illness: Breathing in dirty air that is filled with toxins can be harmful to your health and also may lead to a lasting injury that could leave you out of work for weeks, months, and maybe even permanently.

Every Connecticut workers’ compensation case is different.  Whether you have an occupational injury or illness, it is important that you report it immediately to your supervisor and follow the appropriate steps.  If you believe you will need guidance in filing your claim from a board certified workers’ compensation attorney, contact our office immediately.